About Bail Bonds
The Procedure
Obtaining a bail more often than not requires putting up no security when executing a Promise to Pay tied to the underlying bond amounts required at the jail. A one page Application and a one page Contract is also standard. In order to provide quick bonding in a reliable fashion, our helpful agents are always available by phone or fax. We even accept collect calls, and our knowledgeable staff is qualified to offer free bail advice to help you understand your rights and responsibilities in order to make an informed choice.
Bail Before Jail
You don't have to go to jail! It may be possible to arrange your bond before you turn yourself in. Allied Bail Bonds works statewide to ensure you can take care of any legal issues, but are fee to prioritize what is important to you.
We are licensed in the entire state of Idaho, so no matter where you have a warrant we can arrange it so you can walk away with a new court date.
Types of Bail Bonds
Surety Bonds
A Surety Bond is a promise by a surety to pay a party a certain amount if a second party fails to meet some obligation, like fulfilling the terms of a contract.
Personal Recognizance (OR)
A Personal Recognizance Bond is when the defendant is released from jail without the requirement to post any money for his/her bond on the promise he/she will appear at their next court date.
Cash Bonds
A cash bond is when the court orders a financial guarantee that requires the full amount of the bail to be paid in cash.
How fast will I be released from jail?
Allied Bail Bonds will post your bond within minutes of approval. Once posted, the release time is dependent upon the jail.
What is Collateral?
Collateral is anything that can be legally promised and holds financial value. In this case, collateral is promised to ensure a defendant attends their scheduled court date and pays all necessary premiums. Allied Bail Bonds does not always require collateral.
How much bail bonds cost?
The premium for a surety bond is typically 10% of the bond amount. Allied Bail Bonds offers zero down OAC.
When will my collateral be returned?
Collateral is returned once the bond is exonerated and all premiums have been paid.