About Us
Why Allied Bail Bonds?
Obtaining a bail more often than not requires putting up no security when executing a Promise to Pay tied to the underlying bond amounts required at the jail. A one page Application and a one page Contract is also standard. In order to provide quick bonding in a reliable fashion, our helpful agents are always available by phone or fax. We even accept collect calls, and our knowledgeable staff is qualified to offer free bail advice to help you understand your rights and responsibilities in order to make an informed choice.
Fast, Friendly, Bondsman
After an arrest, the last thing you want to do is wait around for your release. If you find yourself in trouble with the law in Coeur d' Alene , Idaho, our bondsmen are available around the clock for your emergency services. We offer fast services that will have you back home within 24 hours. No bond is too large or too small, and we perform the following with all Idaho traffic, county, state, and federal courts.
Local Agents
Allied Bail Bonds has the most local agents ready to assist you when you need it in North Idaho.